Local Actions Social Integration of Vulnerable Groups


The Local actions for vulnerable groups (TOPEKO) are integrated to the Operation Program «Development of Human Resources 2007-2013“, which is part of the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF). Managing Authority of the TOPEKO is the “Special Service for Social inclusion and Social Economy”.

Aim of the Local actions for vulnerable groups (TOPEKO) is to contribute towards the integration or reintegration of unemployed belonging to socially vulnerable groups, through a broad set of actions that cover additional needs of different beneficiaries. Actions aim to mobilize local actors to create jobs and at the same time versatile and effective preparation of unemployed beneficiaries to:

  • cover job positions of existing businesses,
  • start a business that will benefit from the characteristics of their area,
  • gain the qualifications to benefit from other investment programs,
  • acquire skills that will meet real and identified needs of local businesses that will hire them.

TOPEKO are implemented locally by Development Partnerships (DPs), which operate as non-profit organizations, with the participation of public and private actors. The DPs are ruled by the Law 4019/2011 (article 18) and they are subsidized by the Greek Program of Public Investments, exclusively for the implementation of the TOPEKO which they have undertaken. The partners of every DP define the Coordinator partner. Coordinator is fully responsible for the coordination and the management of the Local Action Plan.

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